
✸|Count Down 2022 - Top Ten Human Rights News from TAHR|✸


✸|Count Down 2022 - Top 10 Human Rights News from TAHR|✸

✸|倒數2022,台權會 #十大人權新聞|✸

​Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on December 10 with the theme of  "Dignity, Liberty, and Justice for All" this year. What human rights events happened in Taiwan in 2022? After Human Rights Day, we have compiled a list of the top 10 human rights news stories from the Taiwan Human Rights Association with quality assurance. Let’s check it out together. 


​▍Fake Study Abroad for illegal working - Human Trafficking in Colleges and Universities


In January this year, The Reporter uncovered that the Chung Chou University of Science and Technology was involved in human trafficking and recruited 16 Ugandan students with false advertisements in 2019, who were forced to work in sweatshops for two years after arriving in Taiwan to repay their tuition. 


​Chung Chou University of Science and Technology initially promised that the courses would be taught in English and that the university would offer scholarships and introduce them to relevant internship opportunities. Still, all the promises were broken after the students came to Taiwan. The students were in debt due to flight tickets, accommodation, and tuition fees. The university then arranged for them to work in labor-intensive factories with low pay and overtime that had nothing to do with their studies, making them cheap "black jobs" in factories.


After the reveal of the incident, the Taiwan Changhua District Prosecutor Office launched an investigation and indicted 10 people, including school officials, agency operators, and Miaoli County government officials, on charges under the Human Trafficking Prevention Act and the Anti-Corruption Act in October. ​In fact, the incident is not a single case similar cases have appeared consistently. The government implemented Talent Cultivation and Exchange under the New Southbound Policy to attract international students. However, private schools and human resources agencies collude with human trafficking. We question when will the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor decide to tackle the problem at its root by addressing the structural and institutional aspects.


​Further Reading 延伸閱讀

International students become slavery in sweatshops?! Taiwan High Education cannot become the hotbed for human trafficking
國際學生淪為血汗奴工?! 台灣高教不能成為人口販運溫床 :​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3118 

Official Prosecution of Chung Chou University of Science and Technology for Ugandan sweatshop student case - Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor spare no responsibility for ending human trafficking in higher education 

​▍Under the Ukrainian War, Where can Ukarian in Taiwan go? 


​This year February twenty-fourth, Vladimir Putin mobilized to invade Ukrainian. So far, more than 40,000 people have died, 50,000 have been injured, and more than 13 million have been displaced. War crimes such as torture, the slaughter of citizens and attack on hospitals are consistently taking place. In winter this year, Ukrainians will be more challenged when facing mass-scale power cuts. 


​For this, the TAHR immediately issued a statement to condemn the Russian military invasion and show support to the Ukrainian government and people. We also reminded citizens to be vigilant if the Chinese regime takes advantage of the chaos to invade Taiwan. TAHR urged the Taiwanese government to legislate the Refugee Act, which has earned support from over 166 groups and 3700 people. On March first, TAHR protested in front of the Representative Office in Taipei for the Moscow-Taipei Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation and deliver our statement to the officials along with many groups and the Ukrainian in Taiwan. 


​For Ukrainians in Taiwan, the Ministry of the Interior said at the beginning of the year that they would be allowed to extend their visas upon application. However, this plan was suspended in early October. Where do can they go becomes a major problem. Furthermore, Furthermore, if their passports expire, they will not be able to extend their visas or apply for naturalization while not being able to move across the country either. How can the government deal with this problem? Unfortunately, there is no Refugee Act at the current stage, making the above issue unable to be tackled. 


​Further Reading  延伸閱讀

Ukrainians in Taiwan and Taiwanese citizens unite to condemn Russian war of aggression, reaffirming that anti-hegemony, anti-aggression, and defense of human rights are universal values - https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3143 
在台烏克蘭人與台灣公民齊聲譴責俄羅斯侵略戰爭 重申反霸權、反侵略、捍衛人權是普世價值 :https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3143 

Ukrainians need an asylum system-  The Taiwanese government should not delay or stall with political declarations. ​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3146 
烏克蘭人需要的是庇護制度 台灣政府勿再拖延或以政治宣示搪塞:​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3146 

▍The Upgrade Suppression of 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party - Taiwanese groups have united in opposing Chinese Authoritarian 


The grand opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 4 this year, amidst international opposition, kicked off a whole year of Chinese Communist Party actions to exert state power and violate human rights arbitrarily.


​Politically, Xi Jinping was re-elected as President for the third time after the 20th National Congress. Under his high-pressure rule, China's human rights situation will continue to regress, and the security of the Cross-Strait will be threatened. As for the pandemic, Xi Jinping insists on "zero COVID",  making localities more and more frantic in their efforts to reach the goal. People suffer as if "they can die in any way but because of COVID." 


High pressure evokes rebellion. On October 13 ​Citizen Zai Zhou Peng put on a banner on Beijing Sitong Bridge, which states that "We don't want nucleic acid testing, we want food to eat; We don't want lockdowns, we want freedom; We don't want lies, we want dignity; We don't want Cultural Revolution, we want reform; We don't want [dictatorial] leaders, we want elections; We don't want to be slaves, we want to be citizens." This also set off the following protests. November 24, the blockade led to ten deaths in the Urumqi fire, provoking a "White Paper Revolution" against the lockdown and calls for democracy and freedom across the country.

高壓卻亦激起反抗,10月13日,公民彭載舟於北京四通橋上掛起「不要核酸要吃飯!不要封鎖要自由!不要謊言要尊嚴! 不要文革要改革!不要領袖要選票! 不做奴才做公民!」橫幅,掀起抗爭序幕。11月24日,封控導致烏魯木齊大火十死,激起全國各地反封控的「白紙革命」,並出現要求民主自由的聲音。

​As part of civil society, TAHR has continued to act in solidarity with the oppressed, who the Chinese Communist Party has suppressed over the past year. Our action includes protesting the Beijing Winter Olympics, advocating the implementation of the aid mechanism for Hong Kong, participating in the Tibet march and the Candlelight Vigil for the June 4 Massacre, and expressing solidarity with human rights in East Turkestan, etc. On September 30, we held a press conference on the eve of the PRC's National Day, stressing that the TAHR would continue to protect human rights values, defend Taiwan's freedom, and call on all sectors to unite against China actively and resist without surrender.


​Further Reading  延伸閱讀

Joint Statement from sectors in Taiwan on Communist China's Human Rights Abuses and the Upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics. ​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3130 
台灣各界對中共人權侵害及北京冬奧即將舉行的共同聲明 :​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3130 

No surrender for Human Rights- Press conference for anti- Chinese Authoritarian
 人權不投降 抗中反威權 記者會:​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3252

▍Free speech is not a crime! Ming-chieh Lee's safe return


​On April 15 of this year, Lee finally returned home after five years of being "forcibly disappeared". Lee was formerly involved in community education promotion at Wenshan Community College in Taipei and has been involved in several efforts to promote democracy and human rights in China. He was arrested by the Chinese authorities when he entered Macau on March 19, 2017. In November, he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment and two years of deprivation of political rights for "subversion of state power" and served his sentence in Chishan Prison in Hunan Province.


​After his "forced disappearance", Lee was subjected to many unreasonable treatments in China, such as house arrest, covering the external windows causing loss of the concept of time, refusing the intervention of lawyers, not disclosing the client's information to the family, etc. The Chinese authorities have attempted to fabricate "espionage" charges. However, it was only through the efforts of his wife, Jeong-Yu Lee, and the "Taiwan NGOs alliance for rescuing Mr. Li," formed by the Taiwan Association for Human Rights and other groups, that he was able to secure a public trial. Lee was released as the case was brought to the international community's attention, which rallied to pressure the Chinese authorities. 


​After his return, Lee thanked all sectors of the community for rescuing him and said, "Freedom is earned by oneself. Just like the Taiwanese people who have exchanged blood and tears for freedom, democracy and human rights under martial law. May the Chinese people know and learn from this, and bless the Chinese people.” 


​Further Reading 延伸閱讀

Injustice Imprisonmentof five years, Please let Ming-chieh Lee to be back 

The loss of five years of Ming-Chieh Lee

​▍The threat of eviction still exists, can the Liugongjunl case in Xindian keep the old house?


Xindian Liugongjunl eviction case is located at the shore of Xindian Liugongjunl. The subject, the Lai Bijin family, was entrusted by the Rukong Farmland Water Conservancy Association to take care of the slope of the canal and lived there during the Japanese colonial period. Over the decades, the Bijin family has repeatedly expressed interest in acquiring land from the Irrigation Agency but has yet to be repeatedly rejected. The Irrigation Agency has publicly stated that the land along the canal will only be for rental, not for sale. In 2010, the agency even invited her grandmother, Mou-shi Chen, a senior citizen, to make a video to witness the rise and fall of Liugongjunl. Unexpectedly, the agency divided the land on which the old house was located into several small lots and sold them to a builder who had never lived there in the name of an unoccupied "vacant lot" without public tender and informing the Lai family of their legally protected right of first refusal the following year. The new landowners, who had acquired the land, then filed a lawsuit against Lai to relocate them and pay a large compensation.


The case is intertwined with multiple issues beyond the issue of property rights, including whether the land sale was illegal and invalid; the protection of long-term peaceful possession under civil law; the right to life guaranteed by the human rights treaties; the significance of the location of the old House in marking the terminus of the Wan-Xin Railway... etc. Currently, although the lawsuit filed by Sister Bijin to invalidate the land sale of the Irrigation Agency is being heard by the Taipei Supreme Administrative Court, Sister Bijin is still facing the takedown of the old House and eviction as the lawsuit filed by the builder in 2012 is still in the process of enforcement after the investigation was completed on April 27.


Further Reading 延伸閱讀

Liugongjunl eviction case - the court protects right to house under the pandemic 
瑠公圳迫遷案:疫情嚴峻,法院刀下留人保障居住權 : ​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3166   

▍Take Emphasis on Human Trafficking- regardless of nationality 

▍正視人口販運,不分國籍差異 ​ 

This year, Taiwan has seen a number of cases of human trafficking by scam syndicates. In recent years, Cambodia and Myanmar's Westport SAR and KK Park have become hotbeds for Chinese scam syndicates. They spread false advertisements on the Internet, using "high-paying jobs" and "guaranteed profits" as bait to lure people who urgently need money to work there. Upon arrival,  scam syndicates confiscated passports, detained and abused the victims, and forced them to engage in online fraud. The police estimate that more than 1,000 people have been trafficked into Cambodia and Myanmar since last year.


​In Taiwan, there were also a number of human trafficking cases similar to the Cambodian or Burmese scam, the most sensational of which was a fraud ring led by Hua Wei Chen. He detained and abused 61 job seekers, three of whom were abused to death and dumped.


​In fact, in the past, migrant workers and fishermen in Taiwan have been facing human trafficking and forced labor problems, including being charged huge brokerage fees, withholding important documents, excessively long working hours, poor working conditions, and so on. The U.S. Department of State lists Taiwan as a Tier 1 country in the 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP report) at a time when both Taiwanese and foreigners are being victimized by human trafficking. We believe that Taiwan should be downgraded, and the government should formulate policies that can solve the problem so that human trafficking will not continue to grow in Taiwan.

其實在過往,台灣的外藉移工與漁工一直面對人口販運及強迫勞動問題,包括被收取巨額仲介費、扣留重要文件、工時過長、工作環境惡劣等等,更不時爆出虐待。在本國人與外國人都淪為人口販運受害人的當下,美國國務院卻繼續在2022年的「人口販運問題報告」(Trafficking in Persons Report, TIP report)中,將台灣列為第一級(Tier 1)的國家,顯然與現實不符。我們認為台灣應該要被降級,政府亦應積極制定可以具體解決問題的政策,勿讓人口販運在台灣繼續滋長。

​Further Reading  延伸閱讀

[letter to the editor] Cambodia's Westport is a world of bliss, or a hotbed of human trafficking? 
【投書】柬埔寨西港極樂世界,還是人口販運溫床? ​ :​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3250

Local and foreigners are victims of human trafficking - 2022 International Workshop on Prevention of Human Trafficking Off-site Press Conference
本國人外國人皆淪為人口販運被害人 2022防制人口販運國際工作坊場外記者會 ​ :​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3232  

​▍The Taoyuan Aerotropolis Plan is being prosecuted, and land acquisition and environmental assessment defects are under judicial review. 


​On October 13, the anti-expropriation residents, together with the Aerotropolis litigation team, filed an urban planning lawsuit with the Taipei High Administrative Court. It is hoped that the court will declare the urban plan invalid due to the serious violation of the law in this case.


​The Aerotropolis Plan will acquire 3,148 hectares of land, of which 2,599 hectares have already been acquired, making it the largest district acquisition in Taiwan. Since the public exhibition of the urban plan in 2013, residents, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, and environmental groups have repeatedly expressed their concerns about errors in the population estimation process of this urban plan during the relevant administrative procedures. The project's population was grossly overestimated, and no consideration was given to the surrounding area's unused land, resulting in a sprawling demand for land that affected more than 30,000 residents. In addition, the urban plan only considers economic development and ignores environmental and human rights issues such as climate change, evictions, and agricultural livelihoods. The serious thing is that Aerotropolis was developed using Zone expropriation as a means of realizing the urban plan. The large-scale over-acquisition of land for non-public construction as a financial tool for the government to balance development needs has long been criticized as being highly likely to be unconstitutional.


​The controversy over the Aerotropolis Plan has not dissipated as the project moves into the implementation phase. In addition to the urban planning lawsuit, local residents have also filed judicial remedies against the defective environmental assessment of the third terminal and land acquisition. These cases are currently being heard by the Administrative Court and we call for everyone’s constant attention. 


​Further Reading  延伸閱讀

Aerotropolis Plan Lawsuit: Anti-Eviction Residents File Nullification Lawsuit.
航空城都市計畫起訴:反迫遷居民提起宣告無效訴訟 ​ :​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3267

The First Instance of the Aerotropolis Land Acquisition Repeal of Zone Expropriation Petition for Constitutional Interpretation.
航空城土地徵收第一庭 廢除區徵 聲請釋憲 ​ :https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3107 

【For dummies】What is Aerotropolis? 【懶人包】航空城到底是什麼? ​ :​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/2658

​▍Victory for Health Insurance Database Right to opt-out -  Health Insurance Agency Please Stop Unconstitutional Actions


​We have been fighting for years to opt out from the use of health insurance data without consent and finally made significant progress this year. On August 12 of this year, the Constitutional Court ruling (Constitutional Judgment No. 13 of 111) clearly stated that the Personal Data Protection Act is inadequate as a norm to limit people's privacy and information. The current unsupervised, no-opt-out restrictions on people's right to privacy and information are unconstitutional. The law must be amended within three years regarding the off-purpose use of national health insurance data and the right to opt-out. 


​In Taiwan, everyone with health insurance has been deprived of data autonomy for a long time. The state has arbitrarily interpreted the Personal Data Protection Act to mandate the creation of a universal health insurance database for research purposes for over 20 years. Such practices seriously infringe on people's information autonomy, and frequent, and large-scale personal data collusion also brings high risks of identification. After the ruling, we expect the National Health Insurance Administration to stop its unconstitutional behaviour and grant the application for opt-out immediately. The legislator should also amend the Personal Data Protection Act to stop allowing public or non-public authorities to easily use the "off-purpose use" provisions that are not clear. TAHR will consistently focus on the following law amendment. 


​Further Reading  延伸閱讀

Sentencing in Health Insurance Database Case Coming-  Ends Forced Universal Personal Data Use.

Right to opt- out Wins, Personal Data Protection Law Fails Constitutionality - Health Insurance Database Case Declared. 

​▍The CEC's practice may be unconstitutional as the diagnosed person loses the right to vote.


​As the COVID-19 epidemic approaches its fourth year, human rights violations are still occurring in the name of the epidemic in Taiwan as we face coexistence with the virus. In the 2022 nine-in-one election on November 26, more than 50,000 confirmed voters were unable to go out to vote due to the epidemic policy and were denied the right to vote.


​Voting is a fundamental human right, and Article 17 of the Constitution states, "The people shall have the right of presenting petitions, lodging complaints, or instituting legal proceedings." The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which has the force of domestic law, also clearly states that "every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without unreasonable restrictions, to vote  at genuine periodic elections." The Central Election Commission's approach is potentially unconstitutional. Moreover, Europe, the United States, Japan and Korea have voting practices in response to the epidemic that can be used for reference. There are also measures that allow confirmed students to participate in college entrance examinations. It is even more puzzling why voting can not be done the same way. In this regard, the TAHR is assisting the diagnosed patients in applying for a constitutional lawsuit.


​Further Reading  延伸閱讀

Voting rights and epidemic prevention should all be valued. Flexible practices to protect voting rights should be planned - Voting rights are deprived if patients are not allowed to leave their homes on voting day. 
投票權與防疫應兼顧 政府應擬彈性做法保障投票權 確診者投票日不能出門就是剝奪投票權:https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3278

The CEC is administratively lazy and unwilling to take care of both epidemic prevention and voting rights. People who are diagnosed to be deprived of their voting rights can apply for temporary punishment.
中選會行政怠惰不願兼顧防疫與投票權 ​ 確診被剝奪投票權人民可申請暫時處分:​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3283

The CEC disregarded the right to vote of the confirmed patients, which may be unconstitutional. The TAHR assisted the confirmed patients to bring relief to the administrative court.
中選會罔顧確診者投票權,有違憲疑義 台權會協助確診者向行政法院提起救濟:​https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3282

​▍Referendum on constitutional amendments to lower voting age to 18 failed-  Comprehensive Constitutional Reform Needs No Time


​This year's 9-in-1 election held a referendum on the "18-year-old citizenship" constitutional amendment, but unfortunately, it was not passed.


​In Criminal Law, full responsibility is required from 18; in Civil Law, 18 will be considered an adult from January 1 of next year. And from the age of 18, men also have an obligation to serve in the military. However, the constitutional right of present petitions, lodging complaints, or instituting legal proceedings still remains at the age of 20, which is undoubtedly an inequality of rights and obligations. 


​A constitutional amendment requires the legislature to pass the amendment first, followed by a referendum. The number of valid affirmative votes must be more than half the total electors. The Voter turnout of the referendum was 59%, of which about 5.647 million people voted "yes" (53%), and 5.016 million people disagreed (47%), which is still several 4 million votes short of the requirement (about 9.62 million votes).


​The fact proved that the threshold is so high that it makes constitutional amendment a "mission impossible" in Taiwan and severely inhibits the collective right of the people to participate in politics. As members of the Citizens' Coalition for Constitutional Advancement, we have been advocating for comprehensive constitutional reform. One of our top priorities is to lower the threshold for constitutional amendments. We expect that the threshold to be amended to one-fifth of the Members of the Legislative Yuan propose, two-thirds of the members attend, and two-thirds of the member's present resolve. A majority of those with more than one-half of the valid votes will be used in the referendum stage. Other constitutional amendments include:

  • The right to vote and to be elected at age 18.

  • Parliamentary electoral reform.

  • The Human Rights Clause supplement.

  • The National Human Rights Commission.


Further Reading  延伸閱讀

Citizens' Coalition for Constitutional Advancement urges four major themes of constitutional reform: Lowering the threshold for constitutional amendments, citizenship at age 18, parliamentary electoral reform, and new human rights provisions | Press Conference 
憲動盟促請憲改四大主題: 降低修憲門檻、十八歲公民權、國會選制改革、新增人權條款|記者會:https://www.tahr.org.tw/news/3067

【The Tenth Constitutional Amendment Committee】Constitutional Moment・Citizenship at 18 years old・Constitutional Amendment Proposal|Public Hearing 

Full Article: 
