
在李明哲被抓二週年的今天,李明哲救援大隊、人權公約施行監督聯盟、台灣人權促進會、西藏台灣人權連線、青平台、永社、華人民主書院等團體發出信件給聯合國人權高專辦公室的 Backelet 女士,提及李明哲之言論自由、公平審判以及免於遭受酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道待遇和處罰等權利,被中國政府所侵害。健康狀況也每況愈下;其妻子李凈瑜亦被剝奪了合法探監的機會。






聯合國人權事務高級專員 Backelet 女士鈞鑒,

我們代表李明哲救援大隊特地致函閣下,是欲提請閣下關注正於中國服五年期刑之台灣人權捍衛者 李明哲先生之處境。李明哲先生之案件揭露出中國政府多次侵犯 李先生之言論自由、公平審判以及免於遭受酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道待遇和處罰等權利。尤其,李明哲先生的健康狀況因為數月以來不人道的拘禁而每況愈下;其妻子亦被剝奪了前往探視他的機會。







依據中華人民共和國《監獄法》規定,受刑人得會見其親屬,因此李明哲先生之妻 李净瑜女士每月皆得以與其會見一次(每次30分鐘)。然而,由於李净瑜女士的多次入境許可證件於2017年4月即被中國撤銷,此後的每一次她都必須重新申請進入中國。李净瑜女士於2018年的3月、5月、6月、7月和9月先後訪問了湖南赤山監獄。但是,自2018年9月起其申請一再遭到拒絕。在這段期間,李明哲先生於 10月被轉移到北京附近的另一座監獄,而後又被轉移回湖南赤山監獄。相關當局皆未通知李明哲先生的家人,有關監獄移轉之處分。






[*]人權公約施行監督聯盟(Covenants Watch )於2017年4月替李明哲先生向強迫或非自願失踪工作小組(WGEID)提出申訴,而WGEID也已審理了此案,並執行了一些干預措施(WGEID:10007396 案件)。此外,人權公約施行監督聯盟亦於2018年3月,提交了有關中華人民共和國第三輪普遍定期審查(People’s Republic of China under the Universal Periodic Review Third Cycle)之報告。聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處(OHCHR)在之利益相關者資訊(Stakeholder Information)中採用了此份報告。 (請參閱所附文件)


「任意逮補工作小組、強迫或非自願失蹤工作小組以及人權捍衛者特別報告員函文」–2018年11月23日發布。(參見:UA CHN 22/2018)

Dear Honorable High Commissioner Ms. Bachelet,

On behalf of the Taiwanese Rescue Team, we are writing to bring your attention to the situation of a Taiwanese human rights defender, Mr. Li Ming-Che, who is now serving a five-year sentence in a prison in China. His case reveals multiple incidents of violations by the Chinese government on Mr. Li’s freedom of expression, right to a fair trial, and right to be free from torture and other cruel and inhuman treatment and punishment. Mr. Li’s health has deteriorated following months of inhuman detention conditions, and his wife has been deprived of the opportunity to visit him. Li’s case has been reported to and handled by the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances in March 2018,[*]and again by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders in November 2018.[†]We believe that the effect of the interventions would be amplified by your attention, therefore we urge you to look into Mr. Li’s case and take appropriate actions.

Arrest and Court Decision

Mr. Li fell into the hands of unidentified officials (remained unclear until today) when he entered China via Macau on the morning of March 19, 2017. One week later, the Chinese authorities confirmed in a routine press conference that he was under investigation. It was not until the end of May 2017 that the Chinese government announced that he had been “officially arrested” by the security department with the approval from the Hu-Nan Procuratorate in suspicion of “incitement of subversion of state power”. According to the indictment document submitted by the Hu-Nan prosecutors to the court, what Li had done to cause himself such ordeal was merely exercising his right to freedom of speech and expression: he delivered articles and talks regarding democracy and human rights on social media (Facebook, WeChat, and QQ) to appeal to the Chinese audiences from 2012 through 2015. On November 28, 2017, Li Ming-Che was sentenced to 5 years in prison and deprived of political rights for 2 years for “subversion of state power” under Article 105 of the Criminal Code.

Visit by Mrs. Li

According to the Chinese Prison Act, family members can visit the prisoner. Li Ching-Yu, Ming-Che’s wife, was allowed to see him once (30 minutes) every month. However, since her multi-entry travel document to China was revoked by China in April 2017, she had to apply for permission to enter China each time. She made visits to the Hu-Nan Chi-Shan Prison (湖南赤山監獄) in March, May, June, July, and September of 2018. However, the application has been repeatedly denied since September 2018. In the meanwhile, Li Ming-Che was transferred to another prison near Beijing in October and later transferred back to Hu-Nan Chi-Shan Prison, without notifying Mr. Li’s family regarding either of the transfers.

Prison Conditions

Mrs. Li Ching-Yu was finally allowed a visit on 18thof December. It was found out that Mr. Li’s clothing was discarded during the process of transferring and his cash account was suspended, making it impossible to purchase anything. In addition, Mr. Li had to labor more than 10 hours per day, without the one day off each week as prescribed by the Prison Act. The food provided by Chi-Shan Prison was often spoilt, and Mr. Li has lost 30 kilograms since imprisonment. Unlike other prisoners, Li was prohibited from correspondences: he was not allowed to send mails out or receive mails except from Mrs. Li, whose letters often arrived in Li’s hand up to 6 months after they’re sent. Books sent to Li, though legally published in China, were mostly returned to the family. The Chinese Prison Act permitted a “Family Phone Card”, but Li’s applications were denied.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, PRC, criticized Mrs. Li after she disclosed the prison conditions in a press conference. The criticism then turned into punitive action: the Chi-Shan Prison issued a notification to Mrs. Li  Ching-Yu on January 22, claiming that her “publicly expressed opinions following the December visit were utterly counterfactual, interfered with the routine enforcement of law, and obstructed the reformation of prisoner Li Ming Che”, and prohibited her visits to Mr. Li for three months lasting from January 23 to April 22 of 2019.

The treatments Mr. Li received were direct violations of China’s own Prison Act, and incompatible with the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners. They also amounted to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment for both Mr. and Mrs. Li.

This appeal does not only concern Mr. Li Ming-Che, but many other persons in detention in China. China’s laws and actions must be brought into line with the international human rights standards. Eventually, a China that respects human rights is beneficial to the whole world.

[*]Covenants Watch Taiwan (CW) filed an appeal for Mr. Li to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) in April 2017. WGEID has heard the case and conducted some intervention (WGEID Case 10007396). The CW has also filed a report on “People’s Republic of China under the Universal Periodic Review Third Cycle” in March 2018, which was referenced in OHCHR’s Stakeholder Information. (please see attached file)

[†]Because of the unexplained transfer of Li Ming-che and denial of his wife’s visits, the Covenants Watch sent a second petition to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the WGEID, and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders on Nov. 9, 2018. The “Mandates of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention; the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances; and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders” was issued on Nov. 23, 2018. (REFERENCE: UA CHN 22/2018)


  • 本信函為由人權公約施行監督聯盟代表李明哲救援大隊所撰寫)
  • 此信函已於本日(2019年3月19日)寄給聯合國人權事務高級專員(High Commissioner for Human Rights),也同時也寄送副本給「非自願及強迫失蹤工作小組」(WGEID)、 「任意逮捕工作小組」(WGAD)、聯合國人權捍衛者特別報告員(SR-HRD)、聯合國酷刑特別報告員 (SR-torture) 以及 OHCHR中國事務官員。
  • 圖片為李明哲二週年活動「左轉有書X慕哲咖啡」宣傳黑板畫
