
施逸翔 台灣人權促進會秘書長發言稿


在今年1月12日的記者會上,當時我就已經根據李育琴2018年寫的「柬國學生來台被迫簽借據 新南向仲介:學生聘僱成本比外勞低」的文章,裡面直指高苑科技大學與中州科大有一樣的問題,像是代辦公司對柬埔寨學生說的不用擔心「學費和生活費」,到台灣後完全不一樣,以及一開始說的20多個科系可選,但最後實際上只能進入觀光休閒國產專班,然後來到高苑科大後,沒有英文授課,也沒有獎學金,甚至還要繳莫名其妙的代辦費給台灣的管理顧問公司。​

根據李的文章,2018年時,高苑科大的情況是,「多數柬埔寨學生是由家中湊足了1000美元(相當於一個柬埔寨家庭2個半月的收入)代辦費給IIC(柬埔寨金邊的留學代辦學校IIC科技大學(IIC University of Technology),才能申請來台。申請成功後,他們又被叫回學校,要求與台灣的裕祥企業管理顧問公司簽下4.8萬元台幣的借據與切結書,並被告知待日後在台灣開始實習領薪時,需逐月償還借款。切結書中同時載明,「本人簽署此一文件,係在自由意志下行使權利,絕無受威脅強迫」以及「如有違反以上協定,願意放棄先訴抗辯權,並支付雙方後續所有訴訟費用」。」



(圖片來源:立法委員 范雲 辦公室)


學生1 中文版:

大家好,我是高苑科技大學的學生,目前就讀機械與自動化工程系。我也是少數勇氣站出揭露學校、向Taiwan News和教育部求助的學生之一。



我會來到臺灣,首先是源自一則群組的訊息,告訴我有一個來臺灣讀書的機會。後來,有一個仲介公司JS Contractor來到我在菲律賓的學校。他們說,我們要付63,540 台幣才能申請入學,所以我之前透過7/11每個月付錢給這間公司。









學生1 英文版:
Hello everyone, I’m a student from Kao Yuan University, and I’m one of the very few students that has the courage to report my school and to ask help from Taiwan News and the Ministry of Education. I’m currently studying Mechanical and Automation Engineering.

My family in the Philippines aren’t rich so I always dream high and study hard to help my parents and to have a comfortable life. My dream is to study abroad and I was one of the lucky ones from the Philippines who got accepted to study in Taiwan. It started when there’s a group message telling me there's a chance to study in Taiwan. There’s a broker who came to our school, the name of the broker is JS contractor. They told us that we need to pay 63,540 Taiwan dollars in order to join the program, so I paid monthly to them through 7/11.

When I came to Taiwan I expected my life as a student who would study, do internships that’s related to my study, and do part-time jobs on the side, but it didn’t turn out to be like that. My whole life in Taiwan has been in chaos and misery. I never knew that my life in Taiwan would be like this. Due to the hard labor work that the school arranged us to do, I can’t focus on studying because my body is tortured. I have back pain and I also couldn’t move my hands well because of the hard labor and long working hours. We often work past midnight and there’s no overtime pay sometimes. We were paid just enough to afford our tuition fee and the broker's fee. Sometimes there’s nothing left for us. Sometimes I would just buy a big fried rice that’s worth 60 NTD and I would cut it in half.

I have been a consistent top 1 achiever since high school. I love studying, but coming to Taiwan doesn’t let me love studying. Sometimes I couldn’t go to school since I have body pain and depression from not getting enough sleep. I can’t even study because I’m so tired, we don’t have enough time to study.

I know many students here work 12 hours everyday. Some work until midnight in factories. The school knows about this, but they instructed us to lie if the government ever comes to check. The school and the factory even made fake salary slips of the student workers together to avoid being found out.I wanted to come to the press conference in person, but I’m really scared that Kao Yuan would not let me graduate if I do so. However, I still think it is very important for the Taiwanese public to know about our situation, so I’ve decided to do this video recording instead.

I hope the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor can work together to protect us, and to provide foreign students like us good quality education and reasonable working conditions, so we can really focus on learning and we can experience normal student life in Taiwan.


學生2 中文版:






學生2 英文版:

Hello, I’m one of the students from Kao Yuan University. When we came here, our work is literally not related to our major, which is Mechanical and Automation Engineering. Some of us working in packaging, grinding, and machine operation. And it’s not intern students’ work, it’s literally hard labor work. Sometimes we carry heavy equipments and heavy objects, my health got deteriorated because of the jobs I had before.

It’s really hard and abusive for sure. We work more than 40 hours per week, it’s illegal here in Taiwan but we don’t have any choice because we need the money to pay for the university tuition

.This program is a big joke. We came here to study and have a degree. It seems like we’re cows milking by them. They just care about our money. Please help us.