(譯)TRAN HUYNH DUY THUC(音譯:陳黃維實)先生是越南知名的ICT企業家與部落客,他在2009年5月24日,僅僅因為平和地行使他的言論自由權,最初就被指控了越南刑法第88條的「散播反政府宣傳罪」,因而遭到逮捕。後來在2010年1月20日,在僅僅為期一天的審訊中,TRAN HUYNH DUY THUC和他的三位共同被告,分別是Le Cong Dinh先生﹑Nguyen Tien Trung先生 ﹑以及 Le Thang Long先生等人,就在胡志明市的人民法院中,被以刑法第79條「參與意圖推翻人民政權的叛亂活動」的罪名起訴。Thuc先生被判處16年的徒刑及之後5年的家中軟禁,而Dinh先生﹑Trung先生以及 Long先生,則分別被判處5年﹑7年﹑和5年的徒刑,以及隨後各自3年的家中軟禁。
聯合國任意拘禁問題工作組(WGAD)在2012年8月29日通過了一項聲明,認為越南政府拘留Thuc及其他三位共同被告,這已明顯違反公民與政治權利國際公約第19條所保障的言論與表意自由的權利,也違反了第9條有關人身安全與自由的權利,和第21條有關集會與結社自由的權利。而越南政府是公政公約的締約國。於是乎,WGAD就要求越南政府必須釋放他們,並提供給予應得的賠償,以符合越南政府的國際義務。雖然越南政府在2014年由聯合國人權理事會所舉辦的「普遍定期審查」(Universal Periodic Review)中,接受了31項關於呼籲尊重和保護言論自由的建議,但仍無法解決Thuc的案例。
24th May 2015
On 24 May 2009, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, Vietnamese ICT entrepreneur and blogger, was arrested under the initial charge of “promoting anti-government propaganda” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression. On 20 January 2010, in a one-day trial, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc and his three co-defendants – Le Cong Dinh, Nguyen Tien Trung and Le Thang Long – were prosecuted at the People’s Court of Ho Chi Minh City for “conducting activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of the Penal Code. Thuc was sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonment followed by 5 years of house arrest, while Dinh, Trung and Long, were sentenced to 5 years, 7 years and 5 years’ imprisonment followed by 3 years of house arrest, respectively.
Contrary to being found guilty of aiming to “overthrow” the state, the activities for which Thuc and his co-defendants were prosecuted comprised only blogging that called for political reform and respect for human rights (e.g.https://tranfami.wordpress.com/…/hewing_quest_for_democrac…/) They did not receive a fair trial and relatives of the defendants and foreign journalists were not allowed in the courtroom. The defendants’ microphones did not function when Thuc’s defense counsel tried to speak on his behalf or when Long attempted to inform the court that the defendants’ confessions were written under duress. According to eyewitnesses, the judges deliberated for only 15 minutes before returning with the judgment, which took 45 minutes to read, suggesting it had been prepared in advance of the hearing.
On 29 August 2012, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) adopted the opinion that Thuc and his three co-defendants’ detention violated the right to freedom of opinion and expression guaranteed by Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), as well as the right to liberty and security of person (Article 9) and the right to freedom of association (Article 21). Vietnam is a party to the ICCPR. Consequently, the WGAD requested the Vietnamese government to release them and provide them with compensation, in accordance with its international obligations. Although Vietnam accepted 31 of the recommendations calling for the respect and protection of freedom of expression at the Universal Periodic Review at the UN Human Rights Council in 2014, the Vietnamese government has still failed to resolve Thuc’s case.
Today, 24 May 2015, marks Thuc’s 6th year of imprisonment. Until now, Thuc remains in prison while his three co-defendants have been released early. As such, we would like to call on the Vietnamese government to abide by their international and domestic obligations by ensuring that Thuc is immediately released. Only when the relevant authorities have taken the necessary steps so that his conviction is overturned, will justice to Thuc be restored. The international community and human rights organizations will be watching.
- Amnesty International – ENGLAND
- Civil Rights Defenders – SWEDEN
- Freedom House – USA
- International Commission of Jurists – SWITZERLAND
- California State Senator Janet Nguyen, Thirty-Fourth District - USA
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) – THAILAND
- Asian Human Rights Commission – HONG KONG
- Assistance Association for Political Prisoners – BURMA
- Burma Partnership – BURMA
- Centre for Human Rights Education– PAKISTAN
- Citizens for Justice and Peace – INDIA
- Imparsial – INDONESIA
- Justice and Peace Netherlands, The Hague – NETHERLANDS
- Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders – HONG KONG
- OT Watch Mongolia – MONGOLIA
- Taiwan Association for Human Rights – TAIWAN
- Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS) – INDONESIA
- Triangle Women's Support Group – BURMA
- Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment – PHILIPPINES
- Association for the Protection of Religious Freedom – VIETNAM
- Association of Former Political and Religious Prisoners of Vietnam – VIETNAM
- Bach Dang Giang Foundation – VIETNAM
- Bau Bi Tuong Than Association – VIETNAM 25. Canadian Youth for Human Rights Vietnam – VIETNAM
- Civil Society Forum – VIETNAM
- Chuong Bo Evangelical Protestant Church – VIETNAM
- Evangelical Lutheran Church American and Vietnam – VIETNAM
- Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience - VIETNAM
- Independent Journalist Association – VIETNAM
- No – U Mien Trung - VIETNAM
- REM Defenders – VIETNAM
- Vietnam Path Movement – VIETNAM
- Vietnamese Bloggers Network – VIETNAM
- Vietnamese United Buddhist Sangha – VIETNAM
- Group of Nguyen Kim Dien Priest – VIETNAM