中文 |
English |
社團法人台灣人權促進會章程 [最後修正於2022年10月23日] |
Constitution of Taiwan Association for Human Rights [Last amended on 23rd October 2022] |
第一章 總則 |
Chapter I General Principles |
第一條 本會定名為「台灣人權促進會」,英文名稱為「TAIWAN ASSOCIATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS」簡稱「TAHR」。 |
Article 1 The Association is named 台灣人權促進會. Its English title, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, is to be abbreviated as TAHR. |
第二條 本會為一超越任何政黨、派系之民間組織。以保障及促進人權並推動人權國際化為宗旨。 |
Article 2 The Association is a non-governmental organization that transcends political parties and factions. The purpose of the organization is to safeguard human rights and facilitate the universalization of human rights standards. |
第三條 本會以保障及促進人權為宗旨,並主張台灣人民(包括各原住民族)有權依自由意志認同任何主義及建立名實相符之獨立國家。 |
Article 3 The Association aims to safeguard and promote human rights, and takes the stance that the people of Taiwan (or an indigenous group as applicable) are entitled to take on any ideology and to establish an independent statehood, with which its referent is congruent, out of their own free will. |
第四條 本會得在國內外設立分支機構。 |
Article 4 The Association may set up branches in its home country and abroad. |
第五條 本會會址設於台北市。 |
Article 5 The registered address of the Association falls within Taipei City. |
第六條 本會之任務如下: 一、對基本人權受損害者提供協助與救援。 二、提供法律性之服務協助相關社會團體處理人權事宜。 三、推廣人權觀念。 四、普及人權教育。 |
Article 6 The missions of the Association are as follows:
第二章 會員 |
Chapter II Membership |
第七條 凡贊同本會宗旨,經本會會員三人之推薦,並以理事會之決議通過者,得成為本會之會員。 |
Article 7 Anyone sharing the Vision of the Association, upon the endorsement of three sitting members, is eligible to have their membership approved, in the form of a resolution, by the Board of Directors. |
第八條 會員有下列情形之一者,喪失會員資格: 一、經通知繳納會費逾期不繳納。 二、違反本會章程情節重大。 三、向本會表示退會。 前項一至三款之情形應提交理監事會依人民團體法規定決議除名。 |
Article 8 Members falling under any of the following circumstances will have their membership withdrawn from them:
Withdrawals based on subparagraph 1 to 3 of the preceding paragraph should be referred to the Board of Directors for it to be resolved under a resolution. |
第九條 本會會員之權利為: 一、發言權。 二、選舉權。 三、被選舉權。 四、罷免權。 五、享受本會規章所定之各種福利及其他權利。 |
Article 9 Rights derived from Membership to the Association are as follows:
第十條 本會會員之義務為: 一、遵守本會之規章。 二、繳納本章程所定各項費用。 三、不得利用本會名義或標誌對外從事競選活動。 |
Article 10 Obligations derived from Membership to the Association are as follows:
第三章 組織及職權 |
Chapter III Structure and Mandate |
第十一條 會員大會每一年召開一次,由會長召集並至少應於召開前三十日通知會員。但會長不為召集,得以理事會之決議召集之。 經理事會理事三分之二以上之出席,出席理事過半數之決議,得召開臨時會員大會。 經會員五分之一以上連署,得提請理事會決議召開臨時會員大會。 會員得於每次會員大會出具委託書,載明授權範圍委託代理人出席會員大會。 |
Article 11 General Meetings are to be held annually. A notice of the General Meeting shall be delivered to each member no less than 30 days before the scheduled date. General Meetings should be convened by the Chairperson or, in the case of the Chairperson’s non-performance, upon a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors.
Resolutions calling for an Extraordinary General Meeting are to be endorsed by more than half of the directors present at a Board Meeting with an attendance rate exceeding two-thirds. Submissions from members proposing the Board of Directors to vote on such a resolution is to be endorsed by at least one-fifth of the entire Member Body.
Members are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend a given General Meeting on their behalf by presenting a letter delineating the scope of authorisation. |
第十二條 會員大會之職權如下: 一、選舉或罷免理事會之理事、監事會之監事。 二、審核理事會會務報告及財務報告。 三、修正本會章程。 四、會員之除名。 五、財產之處分。 六、團體解散。 七、議決與會員權利義務有關之其他重大事項。 |
Article 12 Mandates of the General Assembly are as follows:
第十三條 本會設理事會,由會員大會就已加入本會三個月以上之會員中選出十三至二十五人組成之。 會員大會選任理事會理事時,每一會員有與應選出理事會理事人數相同之選舉權,由所得選票較多者當選為理事會理事。理事會理事任期為兩年,連選得連任。 政務官或民選人員不得擔任本會之理事會理事。 經選任之理事會理事於任期中有前項之情形者,當然解任。 |
Article 13 The Association should institute a Board of Directors composed of 13 to 25 people. Members elected to the Board shall be carrying an ongoing membership exceeding three months by the time the election takes place during a General Meeting. When electing the Board of Directors during a General Meeting, each member of the Association is entitled to a plurality-at-large voting. Candidates receiving the most votes are elected to the Board of Directors for a 2-year term. Political appointees and elected officials cannot serve as a Director of the Association. Failure to meet the condition stipulated in the preceding paragraph renders a sitting Director dismissed. |
第十四條 本會設會長一人、副會長若干人、財務長一人,由理事會理事互選之。 會長對外代表本會,如不能行使職務時,由副會長代行之。 |
Article 14 The Board of Directors should elect from among themselves one Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons, and one Treasurer. The Chairperson represents the Association externally. The Vice Chairperson shall act as a substitute when the Chairperson is unable to perform the duties. |
第十五條 理事會得設顧問委員會,由理事會聘請對人權問題有卓越研究或特殊貢獻者組成之。 |
Article 15 The Board of Directors may establish an Advisory Committee composed of individuals having conducted exceptional research or contributed extraordinarily to human rights. |
第十六條 理監事會議,每兩月召開一次,由會長協調秘書長召集並至少於召開前七日通知各理監事。 理監事會議,必要時得由會長召開臨時會不受前項規定之限制。 |
Article 16 Meetings of the Board of Directors are to be convened every other month by the Chairperson in cooperation with the Secretary-General. Notice of the Meeting shall be delivered to the sitting Directors no less than seven days before the meeting.
When necessary, the Chairperson may convene an Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors irrespective of the preceding paragraph. |
第十七條 理事會之職權如下: 一、審查及議決會員之入會事宜。 二、制定會務計畫、編定預算。 三、籌募經費。 四、制定本會各項章則。 五、選舉、罷免會長、副會長、財務長。 六、議決理事及會長、副會長、財務長之辭職。 七、任免秘書長及工作人員。 八、議決其他重要會務。 |
Article 17 Mandates of the Board of Directors are as follows:
第十八條 理事會之決議,除本章程另有規定外,應有理事會理事過半數之出席,出席理事過半數之同意行之。 |
Article 18 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Constitution of the Association, a resolution from the Board of Directors should be supported by more than half of the Directors present at a board meeting attended by more than half of the sitting Directors. |
第十九條 本會設監事三至至七人,以不超過理事三分之一為原則。由會員大會自會員中選出,並由監事互選常務監事一名,任期二年,得連選連任。 |
Article 19 The Association should institute Supervisors numbering no less than three and no more than seven. As a general rule, the amount of Supervisors appointed should not exceed one-thirds of the Directors. Supervisors should be elected from members of the Association during a General Meeting. Supervisors elected are to further elect from among themselves one Standing Supervisor to serve a two-year term without term limit. |
第二十條 本會監事之職權如下: 一、監察理事會工作之執行。 二、審核年度決算。 三、其他應監察事項。 四、選舉或罷免常務監事。 五、議決常務監事、監事之辭職。 |
Article 20 Mandates of the Supervisors are as follows:
第二十一條 本會置秘書長一人,由理監事會議決議聘任之。 本會聘工作人員若干人,以協助進行會務。 |
Article 21 One Secretary-General is to be appointed by the Board of Directors through a resolution. Staff are to be employed for implementing the organizational missions. |
第四章 經費及會計 |
Chapter IV Funds and Accounting |
第二十二條 本會經費來源之項目如下: 一、會員入會費及常年會費各新台幣壹千元。 二、自由捐助。 三、其他收入。 |
Article 22 Source of funds are as follows:
第二十三條 本會會計年度自每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止。 |
Article 23 The fiscal year of the Association runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year. |
第二十四條 本會解散後剩餘財產,應依會員大會之決議,歸屬於其他宗旨相近之公益團體。 |
Article 24 Upon the dissolution of the Association, residual assets are to be transferred, in conformity with a resolution adopted through a General Meeting, to other charitable nonprofit groups with visions similar to that of the Association. |
第五章 附則 |
Chapter V Supplementary |
第二十五條 本章程所未規定之事項,由理事會以章則另定之。 |
Article 25 Matters not stipulated in the Constitution of the Association are to be determined by the Board of Directors in the form bylaws. |
第二十六條 本會章程之修改,應以理事會之決議提出修正案於會員大會,出席會員三分之二以上之同意行之。 前項規定,經會員五分之二以上之連署,以書面記明修正事項及其理由提出於會員大會,出席會員三分之二以上之同意者,亦同。但其書面應於會員大會召開之三十日前送交理事會,不得以臨時動議提出。 |
Article 26 To amend the Constitution of the Association, the Board of Directors should submit a proposal to the General Assembly in the form of a resolution. Amendments to the Constitution are to be ratified upon a two-thirds majority vote among members present at a General Meeting. The same effect as one initiated by two fifths of all members under the procedure stipulated in the preceding paragraph. Such proposals should be delivered to the Board of the Directors in writing and cannot be made in the form of a spontaneous motion.
第二十七條 本章程經會員大會通過,報請主管機關核備後實施。 |
Article 27 The Constitution of the Association adopted through a General Meeting and submitted to the competent authority for accreditation takes effect once accredited. |