

新聞報導:東亞人權團體:政院版集遊法 牴觸兩人權公約

News: Rights activists urge Ma to turn words into action


如何落實兩公約,國際社會都在看!--東亞人權代表團呼籲台灣政策應比照國際標準 記者會

Our Solidarity with Taiwan: East Asian Human Rights Defenders Call on Taiwan to fully Implement ICCPR and ICESCR Statement


20多位分別來自印尼、菲律賓、韓國、泰國、馬來西亞、日本、新加坡、柬埔寨、蒙古各國NGO之人權捍衛者(Human Rights Defender),樂見台灣於1967年簽署逾40年後,毫無保留的批准了兩國際公約。「公民與政治權利國際公約」與「經濟社會文化權利國際公約」為國際社會最常引用之兩大公約,全世界已有154個國家批准通過,乃檢驗一國人權狀況的基礎國際指標。



1. 台灣政府應盡速公佈確切的落實計畫書與時間表,由公民社會檢驗、受公民社會監督。
2. 任何與兩國際公約精神相牴觸之國內法,皆應盡速以兩公約為準做出修正。台灣政府應盡速提出具體修法方案,作為對兩公約最基本之承諾。
3. 東亞人權組織代表並特別關注兩公約批准後,具有指標性意義的「集會遊行法」修法,呼籲台灣政府須貫徹人權主張,莫高調批准兩公約,卻又提出與兩公約精神相抵觸之集遊修法。
4. 東亞人權組織代表最後呼籲台灣政府成立符合聯合國巴黎原則,以及獨立、有效運作之國家人權委員會,以監督兩公約之落實,並在保障以及推動人權上,積極處理公、私部門的人權侵害事件。國家人權委員會也將扮演與全球人權發展接軌之重要角色。東亞人權組織代表注意到台灣公民社會已經推動成立國家人權委員會近十年,籲請台灣政府積極聽取、廣泛採納公民社會之意見。

Our Solidarity with Taiwan:
East Asian Human Rights Defenders Call on Taiwan to fully Implement ICCPR and ICESCR

13 May 2009

The East Asian delegation of human rights defenders consists of twenty one human rights defenders from NGOs across East Asia including Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Mongolia, Korea and Japan. The delegation today stands with the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR) and express our deep expectation for Taiwanese government on implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights(ICESCR).

The government failed to ratify the two covenants which were signed in 1976. The delegation welcomes the ratification without reservation. This positive move shows Taiwan’s resolution to adopt the international human rights treaties even as a non-member of the UN. The delegation therefore is eager to see Taiwan’s next step to the implementation.

We urge the government to start the implementation by providing action plans and timetable promptly for Taiwan’s civil society to examine. The government should also amend domestic laws which conflict with the two covenants in order to meet the international human rights standards.

Considering Taiwan’s recent situation, and as one common concern across East Asia, we especially attend to the urgency to amend the Parade and Assembly Law accordingly. The delegation perceived that it’s a crucial moment for Taiwan to put through the amendment since it was amended last time in 1987. We strongly urge the government to adopt an amendment which is fully in accordance with the ICCPR as the subsequent step to the ratification.

Lastly, the delegation calls on the government to acknowledge the importance of establishing an independent and effective National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in line with UN Paris Principles to monitor the implantation of human rights treaties ratified. As a mechanism to, protect and promote human rights, the NHRC should also deal with human rights violations in both the public and private sectors. The NHRC will also play a crucial role as a linkage with global human rights developments. The delegation perceived that the struggle for establishing the NHRC led by Taiwan’s civil society has been continued for a decade, we urge the government to involve the civil society under the mutual prospect of establishing the NHRC.

東亞人權代表團名單Names of the delegates:

1 台灣 Taiwan Association for Human Rights 台灣人權促進會Chairperson林佳範

2 台灣 Taiwan Association for Human Rights 台灣人權促進會Secretary General蔡季勳

3 泰國 People’s Empowerment Foundation 人民培力基金會Executive Director, Ms. Chalida Tajaroensuk

4 印尼Aliansi Junalis Independen (AJI), Advocacy Coordinator, Mr. Margiyono

5 Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) for International Advocacy 印尼全球倡議人權工作小組 Coordinator, Mr. Rafendi Djamin

6 The Indonesian Human Rights Monitor (IMPARSIAL) 印尼人權監督協會, Program Director, Ms. Poengky Indarti

7 Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia (PBHI), Chairperson, Mr. Syamsuddin Radjab

8 The Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence(KONTRAS), Deputy Coordinator, Ms. Indria Fernida

9 Institute for Defense Security and Peace Studies (IDSP), Executive Director, Mr. Mufti Makaarim

10 Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI), 印尼法律扶助基金會Chairperson, Mr. Arief Patramijaya

11 International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) 印尼國際發展聯盟Board Member Ms. Antarini Arna

12 新加坡Activist, Mr. Adrian Heok

13 菲律賓 Philippines Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)菲律賓人權倡議聯盟Secretary-General, Mr. Renato Mabunga

14 Tanggol-Kalikasan-Public Interest Environmental Law, Area Director, Ms. Sheila de Leon

15 Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) 菲律賓政治犯救援工作小組Executive Director,Mr. Emmanuel Amistad

16 柬埔寨Activist, Mr. Vanda NAY

17 馬來西亞 Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) 馬來西亞人民之聲基金會Campaign Coordinator,Mr. Moon Hui TAH

18 蒙古Globe International 蒙古全球人權串聯協會Programme Coordinator, Ms. Munkhzul Chuluunbat

19 Center for Human Rights and Development (CHRD) 人權與發展中心Coordinator, Ms. Erdenechimeg Dashdorj

20 韓國Korean House for International Solidarity (KHIS), Coordinator, Ms. Regina Yeon-Shik Pyon

21 日本Citizens' Council for Human Rights 公民人權委員會Staff, Ms. Azusa Yamashita

台灣人權促進會 會長 林佳範

阿瑞夫.珮托敏佳亞 Areif Patramijaya 印尼 法律扶助基金會 YLBHI 會長

恰林達.塔加羅恩蘇克Chalida Tajaroensuk 泰國 人民培力基金會 People’s Empowerment Foundation執行長

台灣人權促進會 顧問、國際特赦組織台灣總會理事長 黃文雄