

11/20 Morning Session
Presented by the Taiwan Association of Human Rights and the Covenants Watch
Good morning, Madame and monsieur, I’m E-Ling Chiu on behalf of Taiwan Association for Human Rights and Covenants Watch. I will briefly report the issue on stateless children and child labour. 




Stateless children

1. The children I’d like to bring to your attention are those whose mother is an identified undocumented foreigner yet whose whereabouts are unknown. In this case, the Taiwanese government considers them nationals of the mothers’ country of origin and will not grant them the Taiwanese citizenship as a result. However, since these children are not registered in the “home countries” and thus become de facto “stateless” children in Taiwan. No official statistics of stateless children are available in Taiwan. 

2. According to the laws, stateless children under 18 enjoy the rights to social welfare services, medical care, education while foreign children have no such rights here in Taiwan. However, there is no clear legal definition of statelessness, and no established procedure for statelessness determination

3. We suggest that the Nationality/immigration Act be amended to include clear definition of “stateless people” and an appropriate determination procedure for statelessness. The government should keep track of stateless people and stateless children. The de facto stateless children should enjoy the basic rights enshrined in the CRC and other core human rights treaties. 


Child labour

4. The second issue is on child labour. Many Taiwanese children under 16 are working; some within family business, but many are informally and illegally employed by ordinary businesses. For examples, it’s not rare to spot children and teenagers working in construction sites, markets, restaurants. A few months ago, there was a case about a dozen young Vietnamese children were found working on a farm without going to school in the middle part of Taiwan. It’s not clear how they got to Taiwan in the first place.

5. We recommend that: 
(1) We urge the CRC Committee to request information from the government and make inquiries about the Vietnamese children case.
(2) The government should investigate the problem of child labor under 16 years of age. 
(3) The government should close the gap of tuition subsidies between public and private schools to ease the economic burdens of the less-advantaged families and children who usually go to private schools.

5. 我們建議:

(1) 我們呼籲兒童權利公約委員會向台灣政府要求有關越南兒少這個兒少個案的資訊。




中華民國(臺灣)兒童權利公約首次國家報告國際 審查會議結論性意見



27. 委員會表達讚賞並注意到,政府已有預防和保護弱勢兒童,如原住民兒少,LGBT兒少,身障兒少和無國籍兒少,不受歧視的相關法律規定。然而,委員會擔憂,缺乏執行這些政策和方案是否有效之資訊,以及如何解決執行《性別平等教育法》之阻力。


33. 委員會樂見政府作出努力,讓更多未被收養的無國籍兒童取得中華民國(臺灣)國籍。委員會關注到在特定報告中,提及生父不詳且外籍生母已返回原屬國之兒童的權利及身分問題,並建議政府採取適當措施確保這些兒童不會淪為無國籍或無法取得與臺灣兒童相同的服務及福利。

89. 委員會注意到有報導指出,時常有兒少在長工時的條件下工作,而這可能對兒少的健康與發展造成危害。委員會建議政府: (1) 調查遭受勞動剝削的兒少人數,並依據工作性質、年齡、性 別、是否具原住民身分及城鄉背景分類統計; (2) 採取適當措施以保護這些兒少的權利。