Brief report of foreigner detention centers in Taiwan
author:Jui-Yu Chen ,Taiwan Association for Human Rights translator: Pinnhueih LEE, volunteer editor: E-Ling Chiu ,Taiwan...
Concluding Observations on refugee related issues
This past week, the Government of Taiwan invited internationally renowned experts to engage in an independent review of the...
Remark on Taiwan Initial CCPR and ESCR Review
Good evening, Mesdames and Messieurs, Taiwan Association for Human Rights have advocated for exiled Chinese dissents, Tibetans,...
[Chinese Translation] There are Alternatives: A Handbook Preventing Unnecessary Immigration Detention
Taiwan Associaiton for Human Rights and volunteers collaboratively translated There are alternatives: A handbook to prevent...
Joint Statement calls the Legislative Yuan to pass Refugee Act and NGO's opinion on the draft of Refugee Act in Taiwan
Download the statement EN | CH More information: The Darft of Refugee Act in Taiwan Interpretations for the draft of Refugee Act
2012 East Asia Symposium(2012東亞難民會議與培訓工作坊)
2012 East Asia Symposium 2012東亞難民會議 Legislation and the Developing Asylum Policy in East Asia (29 October 2012, Taipei)...