Brief report of foreigner detention centers in Taiwan
17 April 2013 | 10:41 AM
author:Jui-Yu Chen ,Taiwan Association for Human Rights translator: Pinnhueih LEE, volunteer editor: E-Ling Chiu ,Taiwan...
Concluding Observations on refugee related issues
05 March 2013 | 04:59 PM
This past week, the Government of Taiwan invited internationally renowned experts to engage in an independent review of the...
Remark on Taiwan Initial CCPR and ESCR Review
05 March 2013 | 02:08 PM
Good evening, Mesdames and Messieurs, Taiwan Association for Human Rights have advocated for exiled Chinese dissents, Tibetans,...
[Chinese Translation] There are Alternatives: A Handbook Preventing Unnecessary Immigration Detention
03 February 2013 | 12:58 PM
Taiwan Associaiton for Human Rights and volunteers collaboratively translated There are alternatives: A handbook to prevent...
Joint Statement calls the Legislative Yuan to pass Refugee Act and NGO's opinion on the draft of Refugee Act in Taiwan
28 August 2012 | 12:10 PM
Download the statement EN | CH More information: The Darft of Refugee Act in Taiwan Interpretations for the draft of Refugee Act
2012 East Asia Symposium(2012東亞難民會議與培訓工作坊)
15 August 2012 | 12:09 PM
2012 East Asia Symposium 2012東亞難民會議 Legislation and the Developing Asylum Policy in East Asia (29 October 2012, Taipei)...