2012 East Asia Symposium 2012東亞難民會議
Legislation and the Developing Asylum Policy in East Asia (29 October 2012, Taipei)
Venue: Soochow University, Downtown Campus, R.5211
The Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN), together with key refugee advocates and practitioners from East Asia are coming together to hold this symposium, with the aim of encouraging the development of asylum policy and legislation, and ensuring that it results in meaningful protection for refugees in practice. Legislation and government policy around asylum has changed and is changing in important ways in East Asia. Understanding and adapting to these changes is an ongoing challenge for all those working with or for refugees. It remains a priority to implement these policies and laws in practice and in a way that serves to protect refugees and provide a sustainable livelihood and durable solutions.
The “Korean Refugee Bill” and “Taiwan Refugee Act” are two examples of recent legislative developments that will set a powerful precedent in the region. Each has implications for whether and how refugee populations are protected and provided for in those countries. These laws also have implications for those working in neighboring countries in East Asia.
This Symposium brings key actors from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macau, Mongolia and Taiwan together to discuss legislative progress, identify and debate key issues, and challenge misconceptions about the most vulnerable population in Asia: refugees.
The Symposium venue seats 100 people and the event is open to the public, however, you can reserve a space by registering online. A detailed program & presentation files can now be downloaded here: Click
If you have any questions please write to Anoop Sukumaranfrom APRRN at Anoop@aprrn.info; or E-Ling Chiu from Taiwan Association for Human Rights at eeling@tahr.org.tw.
如果你有任何疑問,歡迎寫信與亞太難民權利網絡的 Anoop Sukumaran (Anoop@aprrn.info)聯繫,或與台灣人權促進會聯繫。
Workshops on Protecting the Rights of Refugees, Asylum-seekers, and Victims of Human Trafficking
27-28 October 2012, Taipei
Venue: Taipei Bar Association
Day 1: International Refugee Protection in Law, Policy and Practice
Download the materials of Day 1 (第一天培訓工作坊教材下載)
Day 2: Immigration Detention: Exploring access, monitoring and alternatives
Download the materials of Day 2 (第二天培訓工作坊教材下載)
These workshops will focus on forced migration and the response to it in law and practice with a particular focus on legal frameworks and governments’ tendency to detain.
Both domestic and international law have developed dramatically over the past 60 years, although often begrudgingly and only in response to massive atrocities that have shocked the conscience of humankind. It often seems that legal innovation has failed to either prevent the atrocities that lead to forced migration, or even to assure international protection and assistance when forced migration occurs; yet, thousands of lives are saved every year through asylum and other legal mechanisms which are improving over time. During the workshops on day 1, participants will look at these legal mechanisms comparatively and critically.
Governments and the general public that they represent have legitimate concerns about stability, security, and public health and welfare among other issues; and in an attempt to deliver on these policy objectives, they tend to use detention as a migration management tool. Day 2 will look more specifically at standards relating to the detention of migrants, access to immigration detention in the region, the methodologies of preventive monitoring, and implementing alternatives to detention through different models of community integration.
These workshops will be useful for anyone who advocates for or works directly with migrants, such as: NGO staff, lawyers, social workers, and government immigration and social welfare officers, among others. The modalities used during the training will include some lecture, discussions, small group sessions and case studies. With a diverse group of participants we benefit from each participant’s expertise and experience.
Trainers’ Profiles:
Martin Jones
(B.A., Queen’s; B.A. Hons., Queen’s; LL.B, UBC) practiced as an immigration and refugee lawyer for seven years. During that time he represented over one thousand immigrants and refugee claimants in all stages of the immigration and refugee protection process. Martin is presently a doctoral candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School and a recipient of a Canada Graduate Scholarship awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. He is also a research associate at York University's Centre for Refugee Studies and a guest lecturer for the Centre’s Summer Course on Refugee Issues. He was a visiting scholar at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University and at the Program in Refugee and Asylum Law at the University of Michigan. He has taught immigration and refugee law at Queen’s University (Canada) and the University of East London (UK). Martin is the managing editor of Refuge, a scholarly periodical on refugee issues. He has widely presented and published on various topics in refugee and migration law.
現職英國約克(York)大學講師,英國約克大學Osgoode Hall法學院博士,曾經獲得加拿大社會科學與人文科學研究委員會的獎學金。曾任英國約克大學難民研究中心的研究助理。他曾為Georgetown University國際移民中心的訪問學人,以及University of Michigan的難民與庇護法研究計畫的訪問學人。他也曾在加拿大的Queen’s University以及英國的University of East London開授移民法與難民法的課程。他曾擔任移民與難民律師長達七年。在這段期間他協助了一千多位處於各種狀態的移民與難民的申請保護程序。Martin也是難民法Refugee Law這本書的主要作者之一(另一位作者是Sasha Baglay)。Martin在學術期刊上已經發表了許多篇與難民議題及移民法相關的論文。
Grant Mitchell
Grant Mitchell is a social anthropologist in international migration and is Director of the International Detention Coalition, a global network of 200 NGOs in 50 countries. Grant has extensive experience in asylum and detention policy in Europe, US, Australia and the broader Asia Pacific region. His work includes developing case management and alternative to detention models for asylum seekers in Australia at Hotham Mission and overseeing the Community Detention and Community Care Pilot programs at the Red Cross. He is a member of the US government's Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-NGO Working Group and is Deputy Chair of the Immigration Detention Working Group of the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network. Grant won the Australian Human Rights Award in 2002 for his work at Hotham Mission in developing alternatives to detention, and was nominated for the 2004 French Human Rights Prize for his work in assisting women and children in detention.
社會人類學家,也是國際關注外國人收容聯盟(International Detention Coalition)的主任,此聯盟在全球50個國家中,已經擁有超過200個NGO會員組織。Grant對於歐洲、美國、澳洲及亞太地區的邊境區的庇護及外國人收容政策有非常多方面的接觸與經驗。他的工作包括在澳洲有關申請庇護者的Hotham任務中發展個案管理和替代收容所的模式,也包括監督紅十字會的社區收容和社區關懷指導計畫。他是美國國土安全部NGO工作團隊的成員,也是亞太難民權利網絡中有關外國人收容的工作小組的副主席。Grant曾因為他在Hotham任務中所發展出來的替代收容,而獲得澳洲2002年的人權獎。也曾因為他關注並協助在收容所裡面的婦女與小孩,而被提名法國2004年的人權獎。
We look forward to your participation!
REGISTER ONLINE NOW (Registeration is closed)