Joint Statement calls the Legislative Yuan to pass Refugee Act and NGO's opinion on the draft of Refugee Act in Taiwan
Download the statement EN | CH More information: The Darft of Refugee Act in Taiwan Interpretations for the draft of Refugee Act
三人青春換清白 眾人合力喚正義 831蘇案再更三審高院聽判活動

28 August 2012 | 11:31 AM      

三人青春換清白 眾人合力喚正義 831蘇案再更三審高院聽判活動 1991年8月14日台北縣汐止分局宣佈破獲了吳氏夫婦命案,然而由於承辦員警的違法瀆職,導致蘇建和、劉秉郎、莊林勳無辜涉案,...