Input for the Independent Expert’s report on AI and international solidarity to be presented to the 3rd Committee of the UN General Assembly in October 2024
Input for the Independent Expert’s report on AI and international solidarity to be presented to the 3rd Committee of the UN...
Location-Tracking Data Is Privacy. Telecommunication Information Usage Requirements Need Further Scrutiny.
I-Chuan Wang, the Chief Executive Officer of the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Policy Research and Coordinating Committee...
23 Million Personal Data Leaked: TAHR Sues Ministry of Interior Over "Investigation Confidentiality"
TAHR seeks a court order mandating the MOI to provide transparency about the current status of data interfacing in the household...
Constitutional Court Rules on National Health Insurance Case – A Win for Opt-Out Right amidst an Overall Unfounded Judgment on Personal Data Protection Act
In Taiwan, individuals covered by mandatory national health insurance have been concurrently deprived of their data autonomy...
Behind Normalcy: Taiwan's fervent COVID-19 response raise critical privacy and due process concerns
Behind Normalcy: Taiwan’s fervent COVID-19 response raise critical privacy and due process concerns Author | Elisa Chang Editor...
[Policy Statement] The Legislative Yuan should stay within its authority, amend the implementation date of the Comprehensive National Identity Card Replacement Method, and restart the discussions
[Policy Statement] The Legislative Yuan should stay within its authority, amend the implementation date of the Comprehensive...
[Statement from the Taiwan Association of Human Rights] Statement to respond the the Ministry of the Interior on April 23 regarding the digital ID
[Statement from the Taiwan Association of Human Rights] Statement to respond the the Ministry of the Interior on April 23...
Five Questions of Doubt of the Digital ID (eID)
The 2019 coronavirus epidemic has hit the global economy. As of now, the tourism industry, aviation industry, financial industry...
[Statement from the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)] A Country Under the Rule of Law Encounters a Virus: Don’t Abuse Power, Epidemic Prevention and Democracy Can Coexist
[Statement from the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)] A Country Under the Rule of Law Encounters a Virus: Don’t Abuse...
[International Data Privacy Day] 2019 is not over, events in 2020 about privacy in Taiwan that you should continue to follow
January 28 is the day when the European Council began the "Convention 108" regarding the automated processing of personal data...