
PRESS CONFERENCE: 7 December 2007

In the year of 2007, there are thunder and lightings as well as sunshine and clouds in the field of human rights. Now is the time to give an end-of-the-year evaluation on what the nation has or has not done to safeguard its people’s human rights.

For the upcoming general elections for the nation’s president and legislators in 2008, what can the public expect?

At the eve of Human Right’s Day (10 December), Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR) organizes its annual event “Top Ten Human Rights News Evaluation” to raise awareness about major human rights violations and the importance of human rights standards, and to monitor the ruling government so that the standards are upheld and not deteriorating. At the same time, TAHR is going to announce a “Human Rights Indicator for General Elections Candidates” questionnaire project. The result of this questionnaire is aimed to provide the general public references about each candidates and their standard of human rights. We welcome the public to demand their candidates to complete this questionnaire.

We welcome all media to attend this press conference. There will be short performances of action theatre that revisit the selected news stories of the year. Let’s promote the monitoring of human rights standards as a civil society movement!

TIME: December 7, 2007
VANUE: Conference Room 3A, National Taiwan University Alumni House (No. 2-1, Section 1, Chinan Road, Taipei City)
ORG: Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)
MC: Shuya LIN, Secretary General, Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)

主持人: 林淑雅 台灣人權促進會秘書長