台灣人權促進會與國際特赦組織台灣分會,於11月2-5日舉辦難民審查培訓,邀請聯合國難民署(UNHCR)前資深官員、亞太難民權利網絡律師、國際難民與移民法官協會主席、加拿大移民難民審查小組成員。針對民間組織的需求與疑問,將於11月3日(二),由國際難民與移民法官協會主席Allan Mackey,和國際難民與移民法官協會亞太分會負責人Martin Treadwell,討論沒有難民機制時,法官如何處理非法入境/停留的個案?如何適用國際人權條約,尤其是公民政治權利公約與不遣返原則?
集思台大會議中心 阿基米德廳
Allan Mackey
Allan Mackey is the former President of International Association for Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ); during Mackey’s presidency, IARLJ had collaborated closely with UNHCR in holding workshops and conferences. As a visiting professor at University of Tokyo, Japan, his prowess in refugee studies extends to comparative analysis concerning the asylum mechanism in East Asia. Mackey had previously served as
Chair of the Refugee Status Appeal Authority (NZ), Deputy Chair of Immigration and Protection Tribunal (NZ), and Senior Immigration Judge (UK).
Martin Treadwell
Martin Treadwell heads the Asia-Pacific Chapter of International Association of Refugee and Migration Judges. As the Deputy Chair of Immigration and Protection Tribunal, New Zealand, Treadwell has garnered considerable experience in determining appeals pertaining to refugee status and deportation.